Vitamin B Complex

Need an immune system boost?
Want to feel and be healthier? - B Complex is for you!
Vitamin B Complex is collection of nutrients that helps to keep your nerves and blood cells healthy. These injections are most useful for fatigue caused due to nerve damage, diabetes, sciatica, tinnitus, effects of stress, chronic disease, B12 deficiency and a number of other conditions. Vitamin B is not actually a single vitamin but is a collection of 8 different vitamins that form the group of B vitamins. These vitamins are all water soluble which means that they can be easily transported around the body. The importance of B vitamins cannot be understated. Vitamins and minerals are usually required by the human body in extremely small quantities. However, the absence of these small quantities is likely to cause serious health problems to the individual. B complex vitamins promote immune system function, cell growth, metabolic function and nervous system function.
Various characteristics of the individual such as energy levels, skin health, and muscle condition therefore depend on the consumption of adequate levels of B complex vitamins.

  • Vitamin B complex is composed of eight B vitamins:

    - B1 (thiamine) essential for the growth, development and function of our body’s cells

    - B2 (riboflavin) amplifies our system when harnessing energy & enhances cellular growth & function

    - B3 (niacin) boosts digestion, skin & nerve cell function

    - B5 (pantothenic acid) helps convert our food to energy; crucial for making and breaking down fats

    - B6 (pyridoxine) used for many metabolic functions, immunity and supporting brain development

    - B7 (biotin) plays a role in the metabolism of all three macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fat)

    - B9 (folic acid) crucial for cell division and DNA formation, making it especially important in the diets of pregnant women

    - B12 (cobalamin) similar in function to other B vitamins (red blood cell development, neurological function, DNA formation) where is only otherwise found naturally in animal-based sources.

  • The benefits of getting a vitamin B complex injection are numerous. With so many different vitamins being injected, knowing which ones provide which benefits can be hard. The most common vitamins used in injections are often: Folic Acid, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, and Pyridoxine. Each one has its health-related purpose, from aiding heart function to improving sleep quality.

    Let’s detail some of these vitamins to understand better their benefits and whether or not an injection is right for you. Folic acid helps with heart health by improving its function, and it can also help stave off diabetes by reducing blood sugar levels. Pyridoxine helps with mood disorders like depression, ADHD, autism, and schizophrenia.

    Thiamine helps with metabolism and overall energy levels. It’s often given to people with Type 2 diabetes or those who have taken antibiotics to help them rebuild their bodies. Riboflavin is great for eye health, and it can be used as an anti-inflammatory agent to reduce stress and anxiety in your body.

    Overall, it’s difficult to consume enough of these vitamins in your diet, which is why a Vitamin B complex injection is so beneficial. Combining all the basic B vitamins can help improve cardiovascular health, energy levels, stress levels, and much more!

  • Researches and studies have proved that Vitamin B complex injections are more efficient than tablets, gels or liquids. This is because the digestive system, stomach acids and enzymes attack the molecular structure of B vitamins when consumed in the form of tablets or gels. But in case of injections, neither acids nor enzymes are able to attack the vitamins. This results in higher rate of absorption and retention of B vitamins with faster and effective results. Administered by our experienced aestheticians, our perfectly safe injections offer a gentle the stomach, direct to bloodstream delivery, proven to be more effective than oral supplements, which only deliver 15% of the actual vitamin to your body.

    To see the benefits of vitamin pills in your routine, you must remember to take them on a daily basis. But many people easily forget to take pills, especially on a long-term basis. Vitamin injections, on the other hand, are not administered as frequently—which means less chance of forgetting and thus losing out on the benefits.

  • No. B Complex is not the same as B12. B12 is just one of the 8 individual essential vitamins that fall into the vitamin B group. B Complex, meanwhile, contains all 8 of the essential vitamins in the vitamin B group, including B12. So taking B Complex can potentially help address a B12 deficiency as well.

  • £30 - For One Injection
    £100 - For A Course Of 4

  • Avoid; alcohol for 48 hours after treatment, strenuous exercise for 48 hours, touching the injection site for 6 hours and blood thinning medications 24 hours pre & post treatment. You may experience a dull ache around the injection site which usually passes after 1 hour.