Treatment | Aesthetics


Do suffer from congested, blocked pores?
Are you experiencing dull, uneven skin and seeking a solution for a fresh, radiant complexion?

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive skincare treatment that gently exfoliates the skin, removing dead skin cells and impurities to reveal a smoother, brighter complexion. It is a highly effective procedure that offers numerous benefits for your skin.

Our Microdermabrasion targets the epidermis which is made up of dead skin cells and is the layer of skin closest to the surface.
By buffing away the uppermost layer, we break down the barrier that often prevents your current skincare products from properly absorbing into the lower dermis. The skin’s upper layer is also home to blemishes, fine lines, and wrinkles so our Microdermabrasion works to rejuvenate and alleviate the visible signs of congestion.
There is no recovery period after a microdermabrasion treatment, although your skin may appear red for several hours afterward.

  • • Reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots.

    • Improves skin tone and texture by promoting the growth of new, healthy skin cells.

    • Minimizes the appearance of acne scars and other skin imperfections.

    • Enhances the absorption of skincare products for better results.

    • Stimulates collagen production, promoting firmness and elasticity.

    • Provides a deep cleansing effect, unclogging pores and reducing blackheads.

    • Gives an immediate radiance and glow to the skin.

    • Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.

    • Quick and painless treatment with no downtime.

  • Microdermabrasion treatments are extremely safe and effective. Any redness, temporary flaking, or mild discolouration will disappear after your treatment and can be covered with a light layer of mineral makeup. Avoid exfoliating the treatment area for at least 5 days after the treatment, don't pull or pick any loose skin.
    It will feel like a suction sensation on your skin and a sense of it being exfoliated simultaneously;
    it is not painful.

  • • Do not apply makeup for 6 hours after treatment

    • Do not apply heat or hot water to the treated area for 12 hours after treatment

    • Sunscreen is necessary while in sunlight for 14 days following treatment, this can be purchased in clinic or online, we recommend on which does not clog pores

    • Facial moisturiser is recommended to keep your skin hydrated as it can feel very dry after microdermabrasion.

  • From £65