Treatment | Aesthetics | Injectables
Anti-Wrinkle Injections
If fine lines, wrinkles and premature ageing are impacting your confidence, anti-wrinkle injections may be the right cosmetic treatment for you.
Anti-wrinkle injections are a non-surgical treatment that helps to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles by relaxing the facial muscles, giving you a more youthful appearance. They can also be used to effectively treat excess sweating, known as hyperhidrosis, combat a gummy smile and can even be used to treat jaw slimming. Anti-wrinkle injections are performed at our clinic by a professionally trained Aesthetician.
What is it?
Botox works to prevent the formation of static wrinkles by stopping the signal between the nerve and muscle.
The decreased movement in the muscle places less stress on the skin helping you maintain a fresh and youthful appearance. This treatment is most effective when used as a preventative measure. They are made from a purified protein that temporarily causes facial muscles to relax, softening lines and wrinkles and reducing the severity of visible wrinkles.
Anti-wrinkle injections do not remove deep, fixed lines, they may reduce them slightly, and they will stop them from getting worse. Still, if they are deep, you will also require either dermapen, laser resurfacing, or dermal filler.
Anti-wrinkle injections are the treatment of choice to smooth lines on the upper face but do not work to smooth lines on the lower face. For lines on the cheeks, between nose to mouth, lines on the top lip, or marionette lines - dermal filler is the best treatment option for the areas.
Anti-wrinkle injections have a series of aesthetically pleasing benefits, including:
• Dramatically reduces visible signs of aging, fine lines & wrinkles
• You will look refreshed, younger and more vibrant
• Enhance your natural beauty
• Rejuvenated skin
• Speedy results
• Minimal downtime
• Non-invasive procedure -
• Brow Lift – to lift eyebrows to help brows look less heavy
• Forehead – to smooth lines across the forehead area
• Frown Lines – to smooth lines between eyebrows that become pronounced from frowning or squinting
• Crow's Feet – to smooth fine lines on either side of the eye corners
• Masseter – to slim, bulky jaw
• Gummy Smile – to reduce a gummy smile
• Droopy Mouth Corners- to upturn mouth corners (will nearly always also require dermal filler to see significant improvement)
• Neck Lines – One of the best methods for those questioning how to get rid of necklines. This treatment helps to smooth platysmal bands on the neck - these are the muscles that run downwards on the neck (Nefertiti lift)
• Bunny Lines – Bunny lines which are lines on either side of the nose when smiling can be softened.
• Marionette Lines –to help treat downturned mouth corners
• Orange-peel skin / Chin dimples - to smooth dimples on the chin area
• Nose-Prevent Nasal flaring and nose dipping
• Armpits to stop excessive sweating -
The needles used are very small so most people find it comfortable. Topical numbing cream can be used but is rarely necessary.
Antiwrinkle injections is regarded as being safe and has been used to treat tens of millions of patients worldwide for both medical and cosmetic reasons over the past two decades. It is recognised as a medicine and is used widely in the NHS to treat medical issues such as irritable bladder, muscle contracture and spasms in much higher doses than we use it for cosmetically and as it is not a new treatment, we have long-term data on its safety profile. -
Most people can have anti-wrinkle injections apart from:
• People with a known allergy os neuromuscular condition • Pregnant or Breastfeeding women
• Anyone under the age of 18 -
Around 1 is usually suffice. The results will last between 3-6 months depending on the severity of your lines and how long you have been having treatment.
Risks and benefits will be discussed in your consultation and before having the treatment a consent form will be signed highlighting once more any side-effects.
The most common side-effects would be bruising or swelling. It’s important to follow our aftercare instructions to reduce any risks of the injection reaching more muscles than intended (for example causing a lazy eyelid). Overtreating can be another side-effect however anti-wrinkle injections are only temporary.
Patients who have been having anti-wrinkle injections for a long time can build antibodies meaning the effects not working. If this is the case another brand of injection could resolve the issue. -
From £100
Price varies per area - Initial Consultation Required